سوق بريدة للتمور | Dates Festival Al Qaseem مهرجان التمور في بريدة

2022-09-28 10

Dates Festival Al Qaseem. Dates Market Buraidah
موسم تمور بريدة القصيم
season of dates Buraidah AL qaseem
#التمور في السعودية #مهرجان التمور #DatesmarketAlqaseem
سوق التمور ببريدة هو سوق موسمي يقام كل عام عندما تنضج التمور في المنطقة، ويبدأ عادة مع بداية شهر أغسطس ويستمر لشهرين إلى ثلاثة شهور. ويتميز هذا السوق بأنه الأكبر في العالم من حيث العرض. حيث تقدر مبيعاته اليومية بـ 18,000,000 ريال سعودي، وتبلغ 2,000,000,000 ريال سعودي سنويًا، كما أن أصناف التمور تتجاوز الثلاثين صنف، يقع هذا السوق على طريق الملك عبد العزيز جنوباً في مدينة بريدة.
Dates are not only an important agricultural crop in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but also a strategic commodity that Saudis depend on for their daily food.

The Saudis were linked to dates and dates religiously, historically and geographically. Women believe that the best food is the food of Maryam bint Imran, peace be upon them, and men see it as a complete food and medicine, and season the newborn with it, following the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. The Saudis consume most of their production of dates, which is equivalent to one million tons annually, and in the month of Ramadan only, they consume 40% of the local production, and they provide great purchasing power to the dates market, which prompts traders to prefer selling it in Saudi Arabia as a raw product over its presentation in international markets.
Most of the Kingdom’s regions are not devoid of date markets, where deals are made in the millions in these days at the time of “Sram Al-Nakhl.” However, the dates festival in Buraidah, which is considered the dates capital of the world, affiliated to the Qassim region, and whose history extends to sixty years, is considered the largest and largest in the world. Purchasing power.
The date season begins in mid-August of each year, in a harvest celebration carried out by farmers, and it lasts for 36 days, during which more than 38 products of different types of dates are presented.
The Buraidah Dates Festival receives two hundred thousand tons as a result of the harvest of more than eight million palm trees, and it records a daily increase in the number of sales, which at its peak exceeds 25 million riyals per day, as the market reaches about 1,750 vehicles with an average load of 350 kg. The 2015 deals of clown sales amounted to about two billion riyals (533 million dollars).

The market is managed by eight hundred young Saudis, and according to some official authorities, the market provides three thousand job opportunities and small projects in some professions related to dates.
السكري الأصفر والبرحي والشقراء وأم الحمام والسكري الأحمر والخلاص ونبتة علي والروثانا وحلوة وأم الخشب ونبتة راشد والونانة والرشودية والعسيلة والمكتومي والصقعي وأم كبار ونبتة سيف والبريمى- وحوشانة والمنيفي والخضرا والفنخا والمطواح وقطارة
Al-Sukari dates are the most famous types of dates in Qassim, which represent 85% of its production, in addition to other types such as Al-Barhi, Napata

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